Saturday, November 2, 2013


My best friend here announced to me recently that I have bad luck. Oddly previously I had never really thought of it that way. Admittedly I don't ever seem to get what I want but I thought that this wasn't bad luck more misplaced expectations. Living in a house with intermittent electricity & water near to a noisy Pagoda & uninvited guests both non-human & human, having a VSO placement at a hospital where the ER never opened, staying on as a consultant on the promise that it would & then it still didn't, owning a bicycle that has a permanent slow puncture; these things I always thought were just my poor life choices rather than bad luck. My friend alerted me to the fact that I actually have bad karma.

My laptop's hard drive has a manufacturing fault which means the hard drive died this week losing with it 2 days of my work.

That same evening I found myself moaning to my Khmer teacher about my bad karma.

Why, when I have spent $500 fixing my old computer & giving it to my Cambodian friend so that his whole family could use it & benefit from it, was I now repaid with my brand new computer breaking? Where's was the cosmic justice in that? I asked her with more than a liberal dose of self pity.

S shook her head pityingly at me. I clearly didn't have the first clue about karma.

Karma isn't about laptops. It isn't about whether things are lost, broken or stolen. Karma is not concerned with material wealth or earthly possessions.

Sagely she told me - you have many people here who care about you very much. You have done many kind acts & you are loved. That's karma.

Sometimes its the most obvious truths that are the very hardest to recognise. 

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