Friday, February 25, 2011

Getting into a Routine

So my daily routine is beginning to look something like this-

Wake up at 6 30 and appreciate small window of coolness.
Copy up notes from yesterdays class in blue book (I have serious moleskin envy which has entered my wish list along with nice soap, lotion without skin whitener, Cotton tops that cover all appropriate areas and an external hard drive to cadge other people’s film on).
Take a cold shower, hot not available in my room unless you count the drip of lukewarm water from the pipe and the ant’s nest in the showerhead.
Go to Hotel lobby to access Internet, check emails, facebook, BBC & download podcasts (Archers of particular importance, got to keep abreast of Ambridge).
Go for walk and have a Kafe-teuk doh ko-teuk kok - Khmer iced coffee with condensed milk - LUSH.
Find a cheap $1 breakfast - eat it.
Sit in cafe making one lime juice teuk kok last 3 hours.
Try to learn khmer language, test each other and be lulled into a false sense of security that you might actually be progressing.
Cycle to class, sweat (alot).
First hour - realise that you know none of the words you thought you did in your own private study but appreciate air-con and take 30 minutes just to cool down.
First break, cycle to cafe - drink Kafe K'moa - black khmer coffee AKA rocket fuel and eat noodle soup.
Second hour lesson - learn new words+/grammar at such a pace that your head implodes.
Second break - stand on the veranda outside of class stunned whilst being stared at my Cambodian pupils of University and trying not to offend any near by monks.
Third lesson - reach hysteria, laughter better than tears but both options are available.
Cycle home - stop on way and eat cheap Khmer dinner. Try not to drink Angkor beer as suspect this is negatively impacting on language learning.
Cycle past Cambodian Aerobics and man practicing tapak takraw on the banks of the Mekong.
Skype/revise/watch film in make shift cinema (laptop in someone's room)/listen to podcast/read/laundry/chat.
Give up on beer abstinence and go and sit on pavement by Mekong River drinking beer PRN.
Cold Shower.

Repeat 6 days a week until fluent in Khmer.

My biggest regret is I still haven't made it to the aerobics.
Maybe tomorrow......


  1. Well you sound as if you are keeping busy even if it is not in the way that you are used to. Always thought learning a language at your grand old age would be tricky! Guess Taunton didn't prepare you for any language other than Somerset English. Thinking of you and missing you xxxx

  2. Oh yes- could we have a picture of your bicyclette s'il vous plait pour les enfants?

  3. Hello Esther, I've read and enjoyed your whole blog this evening whilst Leo howls in the other room. So far your Asian adventure sounds spiritually soothing and physically punishing. I'm such a wimp with my creature comforts I don't know if I could balance the two. Fortunately I don't have to: I can just sit here reading about your suffering whilst scoffing a twix.

    How long do you get to stay in holiday mode before you have to start healing people?

  4. Hi Est we are loving hearing your news. Harriet wants to know what you are doing about the ants in your shower as she is worried they will crawl all over you!! What do we have to do to get you on Skype? Weve set up an account but we don't know how to use it!!! Glad you like the beer too. Harriet also wants to know if the beer is better than English beer? (she really does take after her dad)!
    So good luck with the lessons hope they start to become less challenging for you. Where are you staying is it a house are you sharing with other medics? Anyway looking forward to your next installment take care love Kirsa xxx

  5. Kirsa, tell H not to fret about the ants, its the enormous cockroaches and disease infested mosquitos she needs to be concerned about!
    Re: Skype - search for me and then ask me to join your contact list. username is estherwilson73.
    The beer is good but then I think carbonated urine with 5% alcohol would taste good in the tropics.
    Rob - "holiday mode" clearly written by a man who has never had to learn an asian language in 5 weeks!
