Tuesday, December 13, 2011

November in Pictures or WPC long list...

When my folks came to visit and refused to go to the killing fields and S21 my carefully planned itinerary was thrown into disarray. Hence we spent a whole afternoon of 'acclimatization' - sat by the river in Phnom Penh people & boat watching.

Phnom Sampeau - incense

The flatness of Battambang province

Poppa-bear with wives number 2 & 3. He particularly like the arm holding and constant fanning but in balance decided to go home with his first wife.

Dried bananas & why travelers get sick

multi-coloured chickens - why not?

Tonle Sap lake - lots of water & sky

Parentals at Angkor Wat - my country, my beer...

Ta Prohm

Tomb raiders

The manic grin of a jet lagged, over heated mother who has had enough of seeing temples and reliefs of various hindu epic tales that all involve fantastical creatures and death by poles up ones bottom.

What the tomb raiders left...

A WPC possible entry

After beer for lunch and despite having last time sworn I would never go up any temple step's again (I couldn't walk for a week after) I found myself at East Mebon running up the steps like a mountain goat. Coming down as always was slightly more tricky.

Rubber plantation Kampong Cham province - all those lesson in geography 25 years ago about 'cash crops' suddenly make a lot sense. 

Fishing village - much chagrin from my mother that the sun was in the wrong place for photos

Sunrise over the Mekong 

Mondulkiri sunset - and my first experience of being too cold in Cambodia

Elephant Valley Project

http://www.elephantvalleyproject.org/ - check out the website - it is a great project and worth any donations you can spare.

Washing the elephants - an absolute highlight

Got to watch out for those flapping ears (elephant's ears not BFG!)

Sunset in the jungle

Washing at the waterfall

Second attempt of rice crop after flooding wiped out the first.

The parentals completely adapted to the habitat!

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