Saturday, February 12, 2011

3 nights in Phnom Penh

Well I have been in Phnom Penh for 3 nights and 2 days now and have found a nice air conditioned coffee shop with wifi right next door to VSO. My caffeine and internet withdrawal programme will just have to wait a few more days.
Me and my 11 fellow VSO newbies are being broken in gently with cyclotours of the city and a day off today.
The real work will start next week when on Wednesday we will take ourselves and our over sized baggage to Kampong Cham where are intensive language training and coffee shop/wifi withdrawals begins.
Wish me luck!


  1. Good Luck! Tau neak sok sapbaiy teh? (How are you? - written phonetically, of course).
    Great news about the blog. I'll look forward to receiving dispatches.
    With love,

  2. Good luck! What exactly are you doing there?

  3. Hi Est

    Will look forward to your updates. And the fantastic photos of course- even if they don't win the Wilson challenge!!!

    Don't do anything I wouldn't.


  4. Lovely way to keep in touch looking forward to hearing how
    You progress with the language lessons xxx

  5. HI,
    The blog is a great idea. I am sure you will discover many many exciting things especially when you pick up some of the language.


  6. I was wondering about your baggage and how much stuff you could feasibly take and pack your life into 2+ years! (sorry this is Kirsa don't know how to use a blog and can't get my name to appear)!

  7. Ah, I'm hoping I've now sussed how to do this, if not apologies!

  8. testing.. testing....

  9. You have no idea how long it took me to figure out the posting thing! Such a great idea to do the blog, I will be following avidly (now I have had a tecnology masterclass from G!). Good luck with the language classes, although I think a sense of humour might be needed more than luck!! Looking forward to the stories. Look after yourself and have heaps of fun; always time for tiger. Ingrid xx

  10. I'm also studying Cambodian (or Khmer as we call it). Once you've mastered this you should be OK:
    Sohn york knhum toev bongkun
